Spoor Snippets

Castaway Resolution – Chapter 02

Castaway Resolution - Chapter 02 Chapter 2. Raijin lay before her, a perfect sphere of polished silver and glass cradled in a setting like an egg cup, every feature of airlock, impulse jets, Trapdoor coils, and all others meticulously set as flush with the surface of the sphere as possible. At her approach, the circular airlock door swung open, and she could feel her omni establishing full link connections, readying the little ship for launch. I wonder if -- "I'm here, I'm here!" came a somewhat breathless voice behind Sue. The sight of the...

Castaway Resolution – Chapter 01

Castaway Resolution - Chapter 01 Castaway Resolution Third in the Castaway Planet series By Ryk E. Spoor and Eric Flint Part 1: DISASTER Chapter 1. Sue Fisher tried to force herself to stay awake. Three more hours of this. If only something would happen! But nothing ever happened in Orado Port Control. Once in a great while a starship would arrive -- an event scheduled usually years in advance -- or somewhat more frequently one of the inter-system shuttles or the few private vessels would want to dock. Mostly, though, it was just the...

Legend – Chapter 19

This is the final snippet as the book is available now.  You'll be able to purchase it via Amazon.com and via The Ring Of Fire Press site.  It may also become available via the Baen eBook Store. Legend - Chapter 19 Chapter 19. "Thank you very much for coming, Fireflux." Inside, she wasn't entirely glad. Normally, Jennifer was perfectly comfortable with her own looks -- and, truth be told, in private might even allow herself to be a little vain. She knew she was very good-looking, and she also generally didn't put much emphasis on...

Legend – Chapter 18

Legend - Chapter 18 Chapter 18. Ben straightened, balancing carefully, his heart beating faster. I'm not really in danger, there's a couple feet between me and the edge! He raised his eyes slowly, standing still, and a tingle of awe and joy swept over him. The red-brown stippled with dusty gray-green of the California desert stretched away beneath him, massive blocks of sandstone jutting out here and there, but none the equal of the huge single stone on which he stood, a hundred fifty feet above the sandy, rock-strewn plain from which the...

Legend – Chapter 17

Legend - Chapter 17 Chapter 17. Jennifer shivered as she shook the sleet from her coat. As she went to grab a basket from near the door, something bumped into her hard, making her stumble against the handrail that led down the ramp into the Co-Op. "Hey!" Instead of an apology, the bearded man who'd jostled her continued what was obviously a heated argument: " . . . poisoned the water and the air, we don't deserve to live!" "You're welcome to believe what you want, Mr. Kantzman," Mack, one of the Co-Op's regular volunteers said. Her round,...

Legend – Chapter 16

Legend - Chapter 16 Chapter 16. America looked up at the white-cloaked figure, surrounded by swirling gold-touched clouds, with hair of gold and eyes of sapphire, that held a glittering sword in his hand, shimmering bright against the night sky. He makes a lovely picture of a hero, America thought. It's a danged shame that beauty exterior does not guarantee beauty interior. Though if it did, I suppose ugliness would guarantee evil, and that wouldn't be fair to anyone. To one side of that figure was a ring of golden fire . . . a ring that...

Legend – Chapter 15

Legend - Chapter 15 Chapter 15. And that tells me what I need to know. He whipped the silver blade out and down before his prisoner realized his intent; even the Great Werewolf barely managed a widening of its eyes before the pure metal blade severed its heart and shattered its spirit. Wiping the blade, he turned and opened the door of the cell. "Dispose of the remains," he said to the warrior of the Dead who stood outside on guard; it bowed and went inside to carry out the directions. I had suspected  . . . but this was a fortunate...

Legend – Chapter 14

Legend - Chapter 14 Chapter 14. Rain whispered and chattered against her office's windows as she waited. She'd spread a towel underneath, so that when she opened the window it would keep the water off her carpet. With a blurred flicker, he was suddenly there, inside, the window still closed, hardly a drop of rain on him, only a slight dusting of mist that edged that spiky mane with diamond dust and an aura of magic. She realized she'd given an inarticulate yelp as he looked at her contritely. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Just thought...