Weber Snippets
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 23
This book is available now so this is the last snippet. A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 23 CHAPTER ELEVEN As Edward had expected, not everyone approved of his decision. No one said anything, of course. He was the King, and unless a decision impacted national security or national finances no one else could claim a vote in the matter. But it was evident in their expressions which ones were neutral, which ones were mostly positive, and which ones were flat-out against it. Edward's wife Cynthia was studiously neutral on the whole thing. Like...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 22
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 22 CHAPTER TEN Back when he was a high-school sophomore, Travis had once accidentally been assigned to a senior-level class. It had taken the office three days to get it all sorted out and transfer him back to the proper class. The classwork itself hadn't been too bad. What had made those three days so rough was the sense of being horribly out of place. He was two years behind everyone else, without any social contacts or context, and had no idea how he was supposed to interact with anyone. He hadn't thought...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 21
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 21 Still, it had raised the security issues an order of magnitude. None of the King's Own liked it. Sergeant Herzog had been especially loud on the subject, fuming over the stupidity inherent in telling potential assassins exactly where to find the entire flipping royal family, in one sinkable spot, for what amounted to a flipping publicity stunt. What made it worse was that whatever PR advantages the king had hoped for were going to be largely negated by the security requirements. Most of the citizens who'd come...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 20
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 20 CHAPTER NINE 0600 Sunday Embarkation for the Monarch's Thanks five hours away. Sergeant Robert Herzog was sweating bullets. Big bullets. Because the whole damn thing was ridiculous. Utterly. It wasn't bad enough that the King, Crown Princess, former King, Prime Minister, and half the Cabinet were going on this little jaunt. Oh, no. Just the entire leadership of the Manticoran government, aboard a single ocean-going ship, within range of a well-placed missile or long-distance mortar attack from the shore. It...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 19
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 19 "Nor should anyone," Edward agreed. "Very well. Finalize your proposal, and we'll let the Cabinet and Naval Affairs Committee see it." He tapped his tablet to bring up a new folder. "Next topic. At last report, we'd gathered a sizeable collection of debris from the destroyed battlecruisers. I want to hear the latest analysis results. We need to know who they were, and where they came from. "And most importantly, what in the Star Kingdom is worth going to war over." * * * It had been a stressful day already,...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 18
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 18 CHAPTER EIGHT With the flurry of activity that had surrounded the brief Barcan incursion, plus all the reports and datawork afterward, it was three more days before the Committee hearings resumed. During that time Travis nurtured a private hope that they might have forgotten all about him, and that the glaring spotlight would move on. No such luck. On the second day of the resumed hearings, he was ordered to report for testimony. To find that Breakwater had managed to up the ante even higher. Not only had...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 17
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 17 But Breakwater had never been the sort to settle for partial credit. For him, glory shared was glory lost. "Well, find out." With a snarl, Breakwater keyed off the uni-link. He stormed through the doorway, stopping short as he spotted Winterfall. "What are you doing here?" Winterfall blinked in surprise. "You asked me here, My Lord," he said. "You wanted a report on Harwich's meeting with Countess Acton --" "I meant, what are you doing at Angela's desk?" "I was running a regulation search for a constituent,"...
A Call To Vengeance – Snippet 16
A Call To Vengeance - Snippet 16 CHAPTER SEVEN Behind the closed eyelids, the young man's eyes were moving restlessly. Probably dreaming, Elizabeth Winton-De Quieroz decided as she carefully adjusted the blanket across his collarbone. Almost certainly having a nightmare. She lifted her eyes from his troubled face to the bandage wrapped around the top of his skull. He was one of Damocles's injured, one of the ones caught in the blast when the ship's dorsal missile launcher exploded, sending deadly shrapnel bouncing down three passageways....