Ringo Snippets

River Of Night – Snippet 39

River Of Night - Snippet 39 CHAPTER 11 "That's more than I had expected." Tom said, passing the binoculars to Pascoe. "Mmm," the grizzled vet hummed a bit while he counted. "Eight vehicles. Figure maybe forty shooters. Fifty tops. That's bad odds." "Vehicle ambush takes care of that," Junior said with a snort. "Two machine guns and we torch the entire group." In addition to the RPK and all its remaining ammunition, Tom had sweet talked Robbins Sr. into the grudging loan of one of the heavy World War Two relics.  "I like it!" enthused Fat...

River Of Night – Snippet 38

River Of Night - Snippet 38 In order to ward off the infected while he was making with the stabby-stabby, Paul also built a plywood shield. It didn't have to resist other weapons but merely keep the teeth and lethally dirty finger nails of the infected away long enough for the deep, broad wounds he planned to inflict to bleed out his targets. A jury rigged steam box helped him shape quarter inch plywood into a form akin to a Roman kite shield. More scavenged material, this time the thin metal thresholds from the doors of destroyed homes,...

River Of Night – Snippet 37

River Of Night - Snippet 37 "Oh!" Before replying, Risky swallowed and schooled her features at his revelation, though her hands trembled slightly in Tom's warm grasp. "Oh. Is not the ordinary world any longer, Thomas. We can't count on later. There isn't time to wait for dinner invitation. I know that you can't walk away from your duty, even if I think it is stupid. That's part of my problem. Is part of the reason that I brought the boat back. I think that you're the right person." Tears glittered in her eyes. "Risky, I am very sorry that I...

River Of Night – Snippet 36

River Of Night - Snippet 36 "Strictly speaking, the Australian SAS prefers the work 'commando'," Tom replied mildly. "But I agree. You were First Group at Fort Lewis, right?" He referred to the US Army First Special Forces Group which, pre-Fall, had been based outside Seattle. "Yeah, and I was a combat engineer before that. E-9 when I got out," Detkovic said, looking around the barn. "Who do you think built all this, and trained all the kids?" A chorus of groans and jeers sounded. "Well, me and some of these slack ass no loads." "Well,...

River Of Night – Snippet 35

River Of Night - Snippet 35 CHAPTER 10 It was nightfall, and the combined parties, including Tom's group and Robbin's extended clan, had closed the doors to the big barn, which was the only place large enough to accommodate everyone not on security watch. Preventing a light leak was important at night and Tom was pleased to note the discipline exercised by his former mates. Tempers as well as the temperature had subsided considerably by the time that Tom finished outlining his plan. The assembled clans and the bank survivors had watched the...

River Of Night – Snippet 34

River Of Night - Snippet 34 "Oh, I am so going to taze you now!" the short Army private said, stumping forward. "I told you to wait with us back here, and I turn my back for one... Hey hey, nice belt fed! Not as big as mine, but you know..." She regarded the first machine gun team with a bright smile. "What?" stammered Junior. "I've gotta take care of this person for a sec..." she added as she grabbed Bua by the elbow, ignoring a squawk of protest. "Maybe later you can let me shoot that? Say, do you have any hot showers?" "If my dad says so,"...

River Of Night – Snippet 33

River Of Night - Snippet 33 CHAPTER 9 The access road was unexpectedly difficult. The Suburban had to be carefully diverted around or in some cases, eased across large, jagged rocks. There were unaccountably steep sections and one stretch that appeared to have washed out despite any evidence of a drainage or a stream uphill.  In the end, they had to move the emptied vehicles one at a time, while Tom and Kaplan alternated between driving or being a road guide. "Your friends have a shit road, Tom," said Kaplan. "That's the point," retorted...

River Of Night – Snippet 32

River Of Night - Snippet 32 Beside him, Risky swayed slightly, belted into the front passenger seat. Though his NODs painted a bright green and black picture, he knew from experience that judging relative distances through the device was tricky, at best. The decision to purchase the very expensive, top of the line military night vision devices that he now wore had been a good one. However, it felt as though it had been made by a different person a lifetime ago. Thankfully, the road was mostly clear and the two Suburbans were able to stay on...