1632 Snippets

1636 The Atlantic Encounter – Snippet 38

This book is available now, so this is the last Snippet. 1636 The Atlantic Encounter - Snippet 38 "They can go straight to Hell, Mynheer Chehab, which is where they claim we are all going. I shall not make 'common cause' with any of those mock-pious preeners. And as for the natives: they may be dangerous to soft Virginia planters, but the burghers and the patroons of New Netherland know how to deal with them. Once the wall on the kill is built, there should be no threat from the savages. "Now," he said at last, taking another healthy drink...

1637 No Peace Beyond The Line – Snippet 06

1637 No Peace Beyond The Line - Snippet 06 Sehested was oddly relieved by the small man's absolute lack of social courtesies. "As part of the Union of Kalmar, Denmark is pleased to assist King Gustav of Sweden and the nations of the United States of Europe over which he presides, in clearing these waters of Spanish influence and righting the many wrongs they have wrought." Stirke squinted at Sehested. "You've rehearsed that? Fer me?" He shook his head. "A turr'ble waste of time, that. I'm naught but a ship's master who freights from the...

1636 The Atlantic Encounter – Snippet 37

1636 The Atlantic Encounter - Snippet 37 "A large part of our goal was to see the lay of the land, to understand what was going on in the New World. But it's clear that we can accomplish something more important -- to forge friendship, if not alliance, between all of France's enemies here in North America. All of you -- the Danes in Newfoundland, the English colonies in Massachusetts and along the Connecticut River as well as the ones in Maryland and Virginia, you here in the New Netherlands, and even the native tribes that are friendly to...

The Newton Cipher – Snippet 15

The book should be available now so this is the last snippet. The Newton Cipher - Snippet 15 Wren Library Cambridge, England The snow fell in wet flakes as Trina ducked from her train into the station. Unlike Kings Cross, which had multiple platforms beneath arched ceilings that seemed to rise a hundred feet in the air, Cambridge's platforms were all outdoors, and the small indoor depot that served them reminded her more of a bus station, the kind that dotted the American midwest: a ticket office, some benches, and a small cafe. She made her...

1637 No Peace Beyond The Line – Snippet 05

1637 No Peace Beyond The Line - Snippet 05 Bjelke nodded back. "I suppose it must be akin to breaking an ingrained habit." Simonszoon scoffed lightly, stared at the Spanish ships coming toward them. "Harder. Because these habits kept us alive. Since we were boys. It's more like trying to resist an instinct. Or better still, like trying prevent your eye from shutting -- quicker than thought -- when something comes flashing towards it." Cornelis Evertson nodded at Bjelke, then toward the oncoming Spanish van. "And station keeping like this, as...

1636 The Atlantic Encounter – Snippet 36

1636 The Atlantic Encounter - Snippet 36 "Oh, I know, I know. He would not want our enemies to know." "'Our' enemies?" "The French," the man said, nodding and smiling. Pete didn't say anything. This was a little out of his department. The French were certainly an enemy, even if hostilities had ceased, but having some random Dutchman throwing Don Francisco's name around was no way to begin a conversation. "You know," the man said. "The French. The wolf at the door. The cardinal," he hissed. "I know who you're talking about," Pete said. "Maybe...

The Newton Cipher – Snippet 14

Monday's snippet will be the last snippet. The Newton Cipher - Snippet 14 12:52 to Cambridge London A late morning crowd filled Coffee Island. The British, Ulrik explained, liked to "take tea" mid-morning, the American version of a coffee break. Trina shifted as a smartly dressed group of young men, probably attorneys or bankers judging by the cut of their suits, occupied the counter next to them. "If there was a bright light right before I blacked out," Trina said, tuning back to Ulrik and lowering her voice, "What was it?" Ulrik shrugged....

1637 No Peace Beyond The Line – Snippet 04

1637 No Peace Beyond The Line - Snippet 04 Chapter 3 East of Dominica Admiral Maarten Tromp lowered the spyglass, which he still preferred to the binoculars being made in Amsterdam. "The leading galleons are within two nautical miles." He leaned toward the runner. "Tell the captain that he will want to beat to quart --" He checked himself with a small smile. "He will want to sound general quarters." He gestured for the waiting signalman. "Send the word to the fleet: prepare to engage the enemy." As the comms rating disappeared down the...