1632 Snippets

Legions Of Pestilence – Snippet 30

Legions Of Pestilence - Snippet 30 Marcie turned around impatiently. "Is that marrying for 'love'? You tell me." Claudia tapped her middle finger on the arm of her chair again. "What is a biological clock? Should the young men I send to Grantville study this also?" **** "The grand duchess is sending me to Besançon to work with Bernhard's engineering staff," Marcie told Matt that evening after they had disentangled themselves from the process of being polite to the other people eating dinner at the table to which they had been assigned. "I'm...

Death Lives In The Water – Snippet 29

This book is currently available in the Amazon Kindle store so this is the last snippet. Death Lives In The Water - Snippet 29 "Of course. Jennie will stay with you." The little girl squealed in delight, unaware of the women's concern. She loved her Babusya. "Go inside, Jennie. Mowr has had kittens, and you can play with them. Be gentle." Kateryna quickly made up a list of all the women she knew. Surely some of them would know others. Maria went to the woodshed where Maksym was busy sawing planks for an addition to Maria's tiny house. "Mama...

Legions Of Pestilence – Snippet 29

Legions Of Pestilence - Snippet 29 Chapter 16 Two of the Four Horsemen Württemberg May 1635 "Der hunger ist noch zur zeitt ihrer großter feind." "I really admired how Brahe, Utt, and Horn cornered the Irish dragoons and drove them into Schorndorf. It was an admirable display of military coordination," Kenny Davidson said. He didn't intend to sound condescending, but this was the first time he had been stationed outside of the immediate vicinity of the Ring of Fire. He wasn't really any younger than the rest of them--at twenty-four, he was...

Legions Of Pestilence – Snippet 28

Legions Of Pestilence - Snippet 28 From Étain, they moved toward Pont-à-Mousson. It was a pretty enough town, on the Moselle, with a good bridge. The dragoon colonel saw only one reason to go there--namely, if a person wanted to cross that particular river. If, for example, a person wished to take Château-Salins, yet avoid the regiments that Fernando and Bernhard had at Nancy, Pont-à-Mousson made sense. Monsieur Gaston, apparently did not want to do that. They turned around toward the west without crossing, burned a couple of villages,...

Death Lives In The Water – Snippet 28

Death Lives In The Water - Snippet 28 Ben redid the tree, putting the two branches side by side. "Any chance any of them married into the Molovna line?" "I'm almost certain of it," replied Charity. "But I guess we will find out." "All this talk of family trees and relations might be interesting to some of you," said Jen. "But I'm much more interested in what if anything they wrote about something evil living in that pond. Can we please make that the primary target of our research?" Bull Harper spoke up. "Why did you want me and Mary here?"...

Legions Of Pestilence – Snippet 27

Legions Of Pestilence - Snippet 27 Chapter 14 A Plague upon Your Houses Germersheim, Province of the Upper Rhine General Brahe and Colonel Utt, on behalf of the USE and the SoTF respectively, had stayed busy chasing the Irish dragoons while everyone else in the region was thinking about Lorraine. After the raid against the Merckweiler-Pechelbronn oil fields, they kept up the pursuit across the Province of the Upper Rhine, managing to capture the four colonels' baggage train before it crossed the Rhine at Germersheim. That was the good news....

Death Lives In The Water – Snippet 27

Death Lives In The Water - Snippet 27 -24- They were gone. All of them were gone. Would they be back? He didn't know. But they were gone, and the Provider was happier, now that he was back in his home. He could hear the Provider's voice at night, echoing in his head. "Food. Need food. Send food." He looked out again. The yellow tape was gone. The trucks were gone. Once he was afraid they were going to come back here. But they didn't. It was getting dark out. It was safe to feed him, he thought. The barn was dark after sunset, so he took a...

Legions Of Pestilence – Snippet 26

Legions Of Pestilence - Snippet 26 Chapter 12 Worth More than Rubies Now, though, there was someone with whom he not only could, but should, share such concerns. God himself said that the purpose of a wife was to serve as her husband's sturdy prop. Didn't he? He pulled his Bible off the shelf behind him and checked, just to be sure. Yes. "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks" (Proverbs 31:17). Buying fields, planting vineyards. You had to give God credit: sometimes He had really excellent ideas. Bernhard...