1632 Snippets

Council Of Fire – Snippet 20

Council Of Fire - Snippet 20 Chapter 14 Hates men, hates the light Québec They had been streaming into the low town for a few days: traders, couriers de bois, even missionaries, finding their way from Upper Canada and the wild lands of the Far Indians, seeking the safety of Québec. The rivers and lakes had become dangerous. It didn't make much sense to Montcalm, but after the event that had drawn him onto the Heights of Abraham--the strange confusion that had drawn him back to the battle at Piacenza a dozen years earlier--he was not sure...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 19

Council Of Fire - Snippet 19 Chapter 13 There's been some sort of working The Caribbean "Tell me what you make of that." There was no sea-monster this time, but a single ship--a merchantman, cutting steadily through the chop; sunlight reflected cheerily from its metal fittings. The strange thing was that Namur was sailing in rough water with a dark, overcast sky, several hundred yards away. "I think it's flying a Jack, Admiral," Pascal said, lowering his spyglass. "Of course, it could be a ruse." "It doesn't appear to be a man-o'-war. But . ....

Council Of Fire – Snippet 18

Council Of Fire - Snippet 18 "Nor do I, Monsieur, but if Divine Providence has placed us here, I would assume that It has some purpose for us: myself, you, my companion. "You asked me what has happened to the world you knew. I cannot say except to suggest that it is gone forever." With exaggerated care, Messier placed the round shot in the place from where he had picked it up and tucked his handkerchief back into his vest. *** There was a compromise. Pinfold wanted to send Namur packing, water-casks full but otherwise not reprovisioned....

Council Of Fire – Snippet 17

Council Of Fire - Snippet 17 Chapter 12 What has happened to the world I knew? The Caribbean The crew and officers of Namur were surprised by the appearance of the Frenchman and his young lady companion but asked no questions as the admiral came back aboard. He left Mademoiselle LaGendière in the care of Father Frederick, and escorted Messier to his private cabin. With the hatch secured, he directed Messier to place the unusual instrument on his chart-table. With the sides opened, Boscawen reached his hand toward the glass with the same...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 16

Council Of Fire - Snippet 16 Chapter 11 They sound more like demands Barbados It took five days against adverse winds and with inferior charts for Namur to make its way to Bridgetown, the capital of His Majesty's crown colony of Barbados. The tiny island was one of the richest bits of real estate in the British Empire. Its economy was based almost entirely on the production of sugar, for which there was an endless demand, and its location--south of most of the Leeward Islands and eastward of all of them--made it the first stopping-place for...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 15

Council Of Fire - Snippet 15 "And where is everyone now? Where are all the sachems, honored Tadodaho?" "They are out," the old man replied. "They are watching for enemies." Joseph was ready to ask another question, but Johnson rose slowly from his seat and took him by the elbow, leading him to the doorway of the longhouse. "You are looking well, young Joseph," Johnson said, placing his hands on Joseph's shoulders. "Why have you come? The news of the Council Fire cannot have reached Canajoharie yet." "My father sent me. Something else has...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 14

Council Of Fire - Snippet 14 Chapter 10 The world is changing Lands of the Six Nations A steady walk from the sachem's house at Canajoharie to the Onondaga Council Fire might be five, or even six, sunrises. But Joseph of the Wolf clan would do it in three. "Go quickly, my son," his stepfather had told him. "The elders must know what we have seen." He ran by day, as far as his legs would carry him, and rested so that he could walk by night. Rain and wind were no obstacle--Joseph was young and strong. The Wolf clan of the Mohawks was well known...

1636 The China Venture – Snippet 38

The book is available now so this is the last snippet. 1636 The China Venture - Snippet 38 **** "Well, well, it looks like I am going to do even better from this USE mission than I expected," Zheng Zhilong mused. He had spoken to his legal expert, who had explained how one could adapt the contracts used for drilling partnerships in Szechwan for this purpose. It was fortunate that the mine was in Taiwan, as Taiwan was not considered Chinese territory, and thus was unaffected by the state monopoly on the mining of coinage metals. As for the...