1632 Snippets

Council Of Fire – Snippet 34

Council Of Fire - Snippet 34 Chapter 24 The situation has changed Montréal, New France On a large, flat table in the Arsenal, pitted and scarred from years of serving as a work-table and an idle carving surface for bored artillerymen, Lévis had carefully laid out the Bourbon banner he had recovered from Fort Carillon. Truly, Lévis had no idea what the marquis might say about his tale; it was no bold or brave account, but rather the evidence of surrender, as if it was one more defeat in the series of defeats that the patrie had suffered in...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 10

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 10 Chapter 7 Roberto Del Migliore strode toward the back of the palace. "You," he called out to a servant crossing the hallway before him, "Ernani. Come here." "Yes, sir," the servant said, pivoting in the intersection of the corridors and approaching the palace-major, obviously wondering what he might have done. "I need Alessandro Nerinni and Cesare Falconieri to meet me at the quarters of Maestra Caccini immediately. And that means now, not a quarter-hour later." The palace major twisted a simple...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 33

Council Of Fire - Snippet 33 Chapter 23 It is always about true and false Fort Johnson, Colony of New York "What does he want?" Johnson asked. "What does he say he wants?" Skenadoa looked around the drawing room. A half-dozen warriors stood around the room, watching and listening. Johnson sat in an armchair, his hands pyramided. "He says he wants all white people to leave the lands of the Longhouse," Skenadoa said at last. "He's looking to drive us out of our homes?" "Huh." Skenadoa walked to the window and looked out across the yard, where...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 09

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 09 Chapter 6 Ferdinando, Grand Duke of Tuscany, second of that name, looked up as his grandmother Christine, Dowager Duchess of Tuscany and Princess of Lorraine, swept into the room through the arched doorway. "Ferdinando, have you seen La Cecchina today?" The duchess' voice was shaky. Today was obviously not one of her better days, the duke thought. Her addressing him informally in public was another indication. His grandmother was normally the height of formality. He knew that the musician was...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 32

Council Of Fire - Snippet 32 *** Skenadoa had helped escort Joseph from Onondaga to Fort Johnson as soon as he was recovered enough to walk. To the young native, every sense seemed enhanced, every perception sharpened as he traveled across the land toward Johnson's home. Birdsong, tree signs, and even the way in which the sun filtered through the forest canopy seemed to hold new and special significance. When they reached Fort Johnson, the older man had remained for a time and then took his leave of the great house, traveling west to see what...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 08

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 08 Chapter 5 The rest of the ride occurred in silence, but it wasn't long before the wheels of the cart rumbled onto the streets of Fiesole. "Take it slowly," Francesca murmured. "He must be able to keep us in sight." "No fear of that," Giulio said in return, his voice equally quiet. "I forgot today was a market day. We'll be lucky to get to the taverna in an hour." And there was indeed a throng of folk on the streets, mostly carrying packages or net bags filled with produce, none of them moving...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 31

Council Of Fire - Snippet 31 Chapter 22 I saw nothing but mist and darkness Fort Johnson, Colony of New York "Joseph." Joseph Brant had been dozing in a window-seat on the second floor of Sir William Johnson's handsome stone house. The sun streaming in through the glass panes had pulled him into quiet dreams--but he could not quite remember them, as the pain in his hands returned to his notice while the dream-threads slipped away. He sat up to see Sir William Johnson standing before him, a roll of parchment in his hands, obviously intent on...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 07

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 07 "Got bread under that?" Sabatini asked. "No, I'm carrying rocks," the other boy retorted. "Of course I have bread." "Marco," introducing himself. "Guido." "Sell me one?" Guido looked around. "I don't know…these are supposed to be going to…" "Tell them a dog jostled you and a loaf dropped off. I'm starving, and I've got a long way to go today." Guido looked around again, and shrugged. "Show me the coin." Sabatini reached into an inner pocket of his jerking and pulled out a soldi. Guido looked...