1632 Snippets

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 13

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 13 Chapter 9 "Your Grace," was said in a quiet voice. Ferdinando looked up from where he was comparing two of the lenses to each other, to find Roberto Del Migliore standing two paces away from his desk. As soon as the other man saw that he had the duke's attention, he gave a bow, somewhat deeper than the bow he had given earlier in the day. Ferdinando sighed. It was going to be bad news -- he could already tell that. He set the lenses down on the velvet with care, then folded his hands together...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 36

Council Of Fire - Snippet 36 Chapter 25 The trees themselves were not consulted New France The Marquis de Montcalm had ordered more extensive patrols of the area, particularly between Québec and Montréal. All of the staff officers were assigned turns at leading patrols, and Olivier D'Egremont was no exception. It was always an invigorating experience to leave the safety and quiet of the habitations and travel out into the wilderness, like a courier de bois--but better armed, and with a limited and particular mission--to make sure there were...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 12

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 12 Chapter 8 "Watch your step, Maestra," the drover said as Francesca edged down the steps. If the wagon was stable, it would have been no problem to descend the steps, but the wagon was not stable. It was moving, and that made Francesca very nervous. The fact that Marco had skipped down the steps and alit on his feet with no problems was no comfort. He was walking beside the bottom step now, holding his hand out to her. "Come on," he called. "You can do it. You walk faster than these oxen every...

The Trouble With Huguenots – Snippet 03

The Trouble With Huguenots - Snippet 03 Chapter 3 Brussels October 1635 From: Susanna Allegretti, Brussels To: M. Leopold Cavriani, Geneva Most honored patron and friend, I regret that I must request a favor from you. Because of certain difficulties that have arisen here in the household of the king and queen in the Netherlands, I feel that it will not be wise for me to remain in my current situation any longer than absolutely necessary. If it would be possible for you to arrange for me to transfer to the household of the Stadthouder in the...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 11

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 11 They went down the hallway in the other direction and turned into a different cross-corridor. Roberto looked to Alessandro. "So how long has the Maestra been a part of the palace musicians?" "Oh, for years," his assistant replied. "Way before my time here. She started as a child, if I remember what someone told me correctly. The dowager duchess liked her so much that she even refused to let the king of France hire her when her family was touring there a long time ago." He shrugged. "Or at least,...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 35

Council Of Fire - Snippet 35 "We are no longer in contact with the mother country, Bigot. We will be receiving no further supplies from France. We are on our own, which means that the considerable wealth of goods you have stolen from the people of New France will have to be made available for our continued survival." The smirk vanished. Bigot lowered his hands to his sides, though he continued to clutch the handkerchief. "I object to being characterized as a thief," he said. "We will see what the governor has to say about this." "He will say...

The Trouble With Huguenots – Snippet 02

The Trouble With Huguenots - Snippet 02 Chapter 2 Besançon September 1635 "I can read an encyclopedia as well as anyone else." Henri, duc de Rohan, continued to pace around the room. "In less than three years, I will be dead." "You were killed in a battle we fought at Rheinfelden," Grand Duke Bernhard countered. "Which is an encounter I see no need to fight in this world. You're pushing paper rather than commanding cavalry. How old are you? Fifty-five or so? You could live another thirty years." "Fifty-seven. I could be thrown off my horse...

The Trouble With Huguenots – Snippet 01

The Trouble With Huguenots - Snippet 01 The Trouble With Huguenots Virginia DeMarce Foreword The purpose of this foreword is to provide a little orientation for readers of the series as to how this book fits into the timeline. The beginning of the story derives from the decision made by Henri, duc de Rohan, in Eric Flint and Virginia DeMarce, 1634: The Dreeson Incident (Baen: 2008) to send his younger brother, Benjamin duc de Soubise, to England to deal with Michel Ducos and his cadre of fanatical Huguenot assassins. In the ten-plus years...