1632 Snippets

Council Of Fire – Snippet 39

Council Of Fire - Snippet 39 Chapter 28 We might as well take our ships apart Off Virginia Neptune was nine days out from New York when the topman sighted the other ship, off in the mist, making difficult headway toward the mainland. It was a big one, a ship of the line, enough for Admiral Saunders to call the men to quarters and run out the guns. Sir Charles Saunders considered himself a fair tactician, and though he would not praise them aloud too highly, he was proud of the crew of Neptune. But the ship that was sighted was clearly bigger...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 15

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 15 Chapter 10 "Keep hold of that thought," Roberto said. He looked to Cesare. "You look like you have unhappy news." "With what you now consider, perhaps less unhappy and more confirming." And the guard commander's expression had indeed eased a bit. "The short tale is that most of the guards have no recollection of seeing Maestra Caccini in the last several days. Given what you now suspect she has done, that comes as no surprise. But…" "But?" Roberto arched his eyebrows. "Two of the guards claim...

The Trouble With Huguenots – Snippet 06

The Trouble With Huguenots - Snippet 06 Chapter 5 On the Road November 1635 A month later, Bismarck and Ruvigny reluctantly set out from Paris. Not that they were sorry to be leaving. Reluctantly because they were returning to Rohan with his wife's refusal to either join him or send his daughter to him. The duke would not be happy. "Why did the duchess have to delay so long? If you think about it, she gave us the same answer a month ago, the instant she read the duke's letter. She postponed, then delayed, then procrastinated, and dragged her...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 38

Council Of Fire - Snippet 38 Chapter 27 On terms favorable to the Crown of Great Britain Colony of New York Major Rogers and a half-dozen of his picked men led the way, following trails they knew better than anyone--or, at least, better than any white man. It was a hundred miles from Albany through the wild country north of the town, along the west side of Lake George, to the place where the French had planted their flag: four days' easy ride, if there were no obstacles or mishaps. The Rangers were used to traveling by foot or bateau, but the...

The Trouble With Huguenots – Snippet 05

The Trouble With Huguenots - Snippet 05 "And, of course, she had to bear him children after she grew up. I am certainly legitimate," the little duchess said proudly. "That is why Papa is so concerned about my marriage and sent the letter that has irritated Maman so much, you understand. Uncle Soubise has no children at all, so I am the only hope for continuing Rohan. Papa can be sure that I am the legitimate heiress of all that Rohan represents. It is true that Maman is volatile, but she was quite conscientious about her behavior until Papa...

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale – Snippet 14

1636 The Flight Of The Nightingale - Snippet 14 "Margherita Signorini was indeed lodged with the sisters of the convent for a period of time. She was receiving tutoring in several subjects, as well as singing as one of their choir and occasional soloists." Roberto held up a hand. "I know the sisters and their reputation for music. She was that good?" "From what I could gather," Paolo replied, "she was. Not surprising, perhaps, when you consider whose child she is." Roberto waved his hand to continue. "Maestra Caccini would visit the convent...

Council Of Fire – Snippet 37

Council Of Fire - Snippet 37 Part IV: Orientation June, 1759 Ye monsters of the bubbling deep, Your Maker's praises spout; Up from the sands ye codlings peep, And wag your tails about. --Cotton Mather, Hymn Chapter 26 The broom star has made old things new The Ohio Country Spring had not quite come to the land; the days were lengthening as normal, but the nights were cold, and the wind was stiff. It should already be planting season, but the ground was hard and unyielding; the sun seemed distant and the shadows it cast seemed dull and stark....

The Trouble With Huguenots – Snippet 04

The Trouble With Huguenots - Snippet 04 "A bit out of plumb, like the king. But Louis only tilts this far." She placed her elbow on the chair arm and moved it about ten degrees to the left. "...and he, Louis, tilts both ways." She moved it an equal number of degrees to the right. "Isaac's all the way to the left." Her arm went down to a right angle, parallel to the floor. "...but that doesn't keep him from being entertaining." "Out of plumb?" The little duchess viewed Henri's German friend with exasperation. "Are you so naïve? I am telling...