1632 Snippets

1636 The Atlantic Encounter – Snippet 03

1636 The Atlantic Encounter - Snippet 03 The Dutch sailing master seemed pleased with the ongoing work, with one singular exception. "I know you up-timers have a lot to say about ship design," he told Gordon as they stood on the quarterdeck. "Some of the old salts in Hamburg harbor can't say enough about what they think will happen to this ship when she launches. But I trust what I've been told." He laid his hand on the ship's wheel, which was smooth and polished wood, quite different from the weathered walls nearby. "But this -- ach, it'll...

1636 The Atlantic Encounter – Snippet 02

1636 The Atlantic Encounter - Snippet 02 PART I April 1636 The ever-hooded, tragic-gestured sea Wallace Stevens, "The Idea of Order at Key West" Chapter 1 Hamburg United States of Europe The first look Gordon Chehab ever had of the ship that would take him across the ocean was on a blustery day from across the harbor. He had come all the way from Grantville, part by stage and part by riverboat down the Elbe; he had taken his time -- which was part and parcel of the way people got around in the year of grace 1636. It was the present day for...

1636 The Atlantic Encounter – Snippet 01

1636 The Atlantic Encounter - Snippet 01 1636: The Atlantic Encounter Eric Flint & Walter H. Hunt PROLOGUE October 1635 Bamberg, capital of the State of Thuringia-Franconia United States of Europe "Come in," Ed Piazza said, in response to a knock on his office door. His secretary stuck her head into the room. "Leopold Cavriani is here, Mr. President," she said. "Send him in, please." Ed pushed aside the papers he'd been looking at, opened one of the desk's drawers and pulled out a file folder. Then, with a peculiar expression on his face...

The Demons of Constantinople – Snippet 43

This will be the last snippet.  The cover for the book has been delayed so the book won't be published until May 1st. The Demons of Constantinople - Snippet 43 "Green Lantern. Paul and Kitten are in Pucorl's lands today, studying basic magic with a puck of Pucorl's acquaintance." "Yes." Wilber grinned. "I've met Pucoransis. Well, at least the kids will be entertained. I don't know how much they'll learn. Put me through to Pucorl, would you? I would like to arrange a pickup, in case I need it." "I'll take you back," Leona insisted. "As...

The Demons of Constantinople – Snippet 42

The Demons of Constantinople - Snippet 42 Pucorl had to call Wilber to get the words, as no one there spoke Italian. So from then on, Wilber was in on the talk. "Why did you attack us?" asked one of the customs officials. "It's a sea monster," the panicked sailor shouted. "Well, yes," Joe said, "But that's no reason to attack me. I was only bringing these fellows to inspect your ship." A tentacle lifted out of the water and pointed at the customs officials. The Genoese sailor shrank back on the pallet where he was sitting. "Ah, Pucorl, you...

The Demons of Constantinople – Snippet 41

The Demons of Constantinople - Snippet 41 Joe was out today, almost on a day off. He was patrolling the Bosporus Straits and grabbing some snacks, instead of sitting at the docks of Constantinople, waiting for Pucorl to need a ride. As part of the deal, he had a crew of five officials of the Constantinople bureau of tariffs. They were approaching a galley showing a Genoese flag. And Joe had a bad feeling. Suddenly a rain of arrows shot from the galley and three of them hit his decking. They hurt. Squid aren't particularly aggressive. In...

The Demons of Constantinople – Snippet 40

The Demons of Constantinople - Snippet 40 Chapter 12 -- A Pause to Breathe Location: The House of Gaius Augustus Crassus, Constantinople Time: 3:34 PM, November 25, 1372 The afternoon sunlight pouring through the glazed windows was augmented by candelabras along the walls of the hall. The ladies in their gowns and the gentlemen in their tunics, which were shorter gowns, made a glittering display. Or would, if you hadn't grown up with twenty-first century Paris fashions, materials, and techniques. The silks from China didn't shine and the...

The Demons of Constantinople – Snippet 39

The Demons of Constantinople - Snippet 39 *** Leona was watching the djinn as Wilber spoke. She saw it look around and see her floating in the air of the netherworld with her wings folded and sitting on something it couldn't see. It was a minor djinn, nothing more than a zephyr. It gave a little squeak of fright and took off running. At that point instinct took over. Both cat and crow were active hunters, and if the will-o'-wisp part of her was less active about it, it was still a hunter. Leona was off Wilber's shoulder and flying after the...