Change of Venue for 1632 con

After it became clear that we wouldn’t be holding the 1632 series minicon at Contemporal this year, we approached LibertyCon and they’ve agreed to host us.  LibertyCon is a longstanding and very popular SF convention in Chattanooga that I’ve...

Eric Flint Newsletter – 13 MARCH 2015

I’ve discussed my publication schedule with Baen Books and here’s how it looks now: 1636: The Cardinal Virtues will be coming out in July, 2015. 1635: A Parcel of Rogues will be coming out in January, 2016 Ring of Fire IV will be coming out in May, 2016...

Eric Flint Newsletter – 28 DECEMBER 2014

Well, I got through the holidays intact. This is always a bit of a dicey proposition because I do most of the cooking over the holidays and while I’m a rather good cook I am not one who is serene and philosophical and maintains his equanimity throughout the process....