About the Snippets

Snippets are excerpts from books which have not yet been published. I started posting snippets on Baen’s Bar back in 1999 and have maintained the practice ever since. Some years ago, when I first launched this web site, I carried over the snippets and post them here. They’re also still posted on Baen’s Bar, if you prefer that venue. (Go to www,baen.com, select “Baen Community,” and then select “Baen’s Bar” from the drop-down menu.)

All of the snippets are posted in my conference, titled “Mother of Demons.” They can sometimes also be found in other conferences, depending on the title.

The snippets begin with the start of a book and typically go through half the novel before breaking off when the book is published. In addition to posting snippets from my own novels, I also post (with their permission) snippets from books written by many other authors.

We post snippets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Most Recent

The Macedonian Hazard – Snippet 02

The Macedonian Hazard - Snippet 02 It was hard work, but it paid fifteen bucks an hour in ship credit and Stella was going to need every dime of that. 214 12th Street, Fort Plymouth, Trinidad December 28, 321BCE Stella climbed the short bamboo ladder to the ground...

Domesticating Dragons – Snippet 01

Domesticating Dragons - Snippet 01 DOMESTICATING DRAGONS Dan Koboldt To Sadie, our favorite miracle. CHAPTER ONE Reptilian Three years, five months, and thirteen days after my dog died in the canine epidemic, I walked up to the door of Reptilian Corporation wearing a...

Serpent Daughter – Snippet 40

Serpent Daughter - Snippet 40 Iron Andy Calhoun was famous well beyond Appalachee, and Youngstown was basically Appalachee, anyway. "Mr. Andrew is indeed here," the hostess said. "He has already reserved your room, which is number eight, upstairs. His room is number...
